日本にきたときや日本からはなれるときの手続き(てつづき)/Procedures for international movements
Page ID:100-406-334-193
Last updated date:4 27 2023
For persons leaving Japan for overseas
International Social Security Agreement
社会保障協定(しゃかいほしょうきょうてい)/International Social Security Agreement
If You Leave Japan to Work in the Agreement Country
Procedures When You are Working in the Agreement Country
Pension payment
年金(ねんきん)をうけているときや亡(な)くなったときの手続き(てつづき)/Pensioners and Survivors Need to Report Us
Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments
脱退一時金(だったいいちじきん)/日本からはなれるときにもらうことができるお金/Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments
For persons coming to Japan from overseas
International Social Security Agreement
社会保障協定(しゃかいほしょうきょうてい)/International Social Security Agreement
If You Leave the Agreement Country to Work in Japan
Procedures When You are Working in Japan
Japanese social insurance systems
National Pension system
国民年金(こくみんねんきん)/National Pension System
年金Q&A (外国人の方へ/To non-Japanese people)
Japanese National Pension System(国民年金制度の仕組み)
To non-Japanese people living in Japan Japan’s Public Pension System(日本に住む外国人のみなさまへ 公的年金制度のご案内)
Application for National Pension Contribution Exemption/Payment Postponement(国民年金保険料免除・納付猶予のご案内)
Employees’ Pension system
Enrollment in Social Insurance System(社会保険制度加入のご案内)
Social Insurance for Everyone(みんなのための「社会保険」)
Pension payment
年金(ねんきん)をうけているときや亡(な)くなったときの手続き(てつづき)/Pensioners and Survivors Need to Report Us