ポルトガル語(ご)/Pamphlets in Portuguese
- 社会保険(しゃかいほけん)とは/About Social Insurance System
- 公的年金(こうてきねんきん)とは/About Japan's Public Pension System
- 国民年金(こくみんねんきん)のくわしい説明(せつめい)/Japanese National Pension System
- 国民年金(こくみんねんきん)の手続き(てつづき)/Procedures for National Pension System
- 厚生年金保険(こうせいねんきんほけん)と健康保険(けんこうほけん)/Employees' Pension Insurance and Employees' Health Insurance
- 脱退一時金(だったいいちじきん)/日本からはなれるときにもらうことができるお金/Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments
- 動画(どうが)/Video
社会保険とは/About Social Insurance System
みんなのための「社会保険」/Social Insurance for Everyone
社会保険制度加入のご案内/Enrollment in Social Insurance System
公的年金とは/About Japan's Public Pension System
日本に住む外国人のみなさまへ 公的年金制度のご案内/To non-Japanese people living in Japan Japan’s Public Pension System
技能実習生・実習実施者の皆様へ 日本の公的年金に加入手続はおすみですか?/To Technical Interns and their employers (Implementing Organizations) Have you enrolled in Japanese public pension system?
国民年金のくわしい説明/Japanese National Pension System
国民年金制度の仕組み/Japanese National Pension System
国民年金の手続き/Procedures for National Pension System
国民年金加入のご案内/Notice for enrollment in National Pension System
国民年金被保険者関係届書(申出書)/National Pension insured persons' report form
国民年金保険料免除・納付猶予のご案内/Application for National Pension Contribution Exemption/Payment Postponement
国民年金保険料学生納付特例の申請について/Application for National Pension Contribution Special Payment System for Students
厚生年金保険と健康保険/Employees' Pension Insurance and Employees' Health Insurance
厚生年金保険・健康保険制度のご案内/Employees' Pension Insurance and Employees' Health Insurance
脱退一時金/日本からはなれるときにもらうことができるお金/Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments
日本から出国される外国人の皆様へ/To all foreigners leaving Japan
脱退一時金 支給決定 通知書・脱退一時金 送金 通知書の見方/How to Read the Notice of Payments(Entitlement) and the Notice of Payments(Remittance)
しっておきたい年金のはなし/Public pension system you need to know